Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wisdom tooth-less

Today, I got my fourth and last wisdom tooth removed. I've been getting wisdom teeth removed for the past three months or so. The top two were not too bad, it was just like getting a regular tooth removed. The bottom two were impacted, so it was a bit more complicated. It involved more numbing, more time, more dentist tools, including the one that makes the whirring chainsaw noise. The previous one (bottom left) took significantly longer to heal than the top ones, so I'm guessing it'll be the same for the one that got taken out today too. Since this was the fourth time, I knew more or less what to expect. I don't really know what the dentist is doing in my mouth though, because I can't see or feel anything. So I occupy myself in the dentist's chair trying to guess what he's doing. "Hmm, what's he going to do with that hook thing?" As far as I can tell, he seems to have sliced my tooth apart using the whirring tool (releasing a pungent smell of burnt tooth?) before pulling it out today. I'm rather interested in how it was done, but I didn't want to know beforehand - the less you think about it in advance, the better. But I may ask at my next appointment. Seb told me last week that you could see what's happening in your mouth reflected in the dentist's glasses. I didn't want to see - I'm sure it was all rather bloody, and it made me quite thankful for local anesthetic.

So I will likely be on a steady course of Motrin every six to eight hours for the next week or so, if it's anything like last time. Thank goodness for ibuprofen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gotta love that xylocaine (local anesthetic)