Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Changing the time

When I got this laptop - oh, just over 3 years ago - I was spending several months in Japan. My first time living in Japan as an adult. Naturally, the clock was set to Japan time, or GMT+9. When I returned to Montreal, I didn't change the time. When I went to Switzerland, I didn't change the time. When I arrived here in Philadelphia, I didn't change the time. Until today. Just now, I set the time zone to GMT-4 (due to daylight savings time). So for the first time in 2.5 years, my laptop is showing the correct time.

Update: Damn. One reason why I changed the time on my laptop is because blogger keeps giving an incorrect post time for all of my posts. I thought this might fix it, but apparently not. As far as blogger is concerned, I'm still in Europe. So unless I fix the time manually, you should mentally subtract six hours.

Update2: I found it. In blogger Settings -> Formatting. So now you should be mentally adding six hours to the times for any previous posts.

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