Friday, February 16, 2007

On homicides in Montreal and Philadelphia

So far in 2007, Montreal has had 7 homicides, of which 6 are street gang related. This has fueled a slew of articles about street gangs in Montreal in the Canadian press, and speculation of a gang war quickly quashed by police (links from the montreal city weblog). Just to say, 6 gang related homicides in 6 weeks in Montreal is considered newsworthy, and is considered to be a serious problem.

Meanwhile, Philadelphia has had 47 homicides (this comes out to roughly one homicide per day this year). I've gotten used to seeing the phrase "no arrests have been made, and police are still trying to determine a motive" in these articles. There is a general acknowledgment that Philadelphia has a high homicide rate and that this is a problem, but nothing much seems to be happening to deal with it, other than people talking about it and saying how it's a problem.

For comparison purposes, the population of the city of Montreal is around 1.5 million. The population of the city of Philadelphia is also around 1.5 million. (Note that the Philadelphia metropolitan area is more populous than that of Montreal.) Sure, Philly is a big city, and big cities often have lotsa crime, but this is inexcusable. I find the violent crime rates here in Philly put a serious damper on the quality of life. One big reason why I still pine for Montreal. I'm still looking for violent crime stats (ie. not just homocides) for both cities, and hopefully will post something on that later.


Anonymous said...

Aha! Wow, I was in Philly from 2005-2006. Well, they're totally different places, aren't they; I'm also from Montreal. I've been thinking about the police forces; you'll also note that Montreal has far few police per capita than Philadelphia. I'm also curious about the relationship between law enforcement and the neighbourhoods of Philadelphia.

As an aside, the poverty in incomparable as well as the lack of public infrastructure. Poor Philly--I miss it so much, miss the people especially, but it has got some PROBLEMS!

Anonymous said...

Well said.